Facility Insight allows for easy Asset data collection, reporting and sharing of data for all of your Assets.
Quickly check how your business is tracking using easy to read dashboard widgets.
Asset Data Collection
Collect and maintain asset data using our easy to use form. All Asset data is saved to a central database so you have full control of real time data anywhere anytime.
Conduct the following using the app:
-Routine property inspections and audits.
-Facility Manager due diligence audits for existing and new contracts.
-Scheduled facility manager audits and inspections.
-Add different media formats to Assets including, notes, pictures, sounds, drawings and videos.
-Conduct Asset Audits.
-Collect Asset Data.
-Select from multiple options for fields such as Condition, Status, Environment plus many more.
-Dashboard access for quick access to import information
-Import existing Asset data via CSV.
-Quickly enter Asset IDs by scanner their barcodes.
-Real time data updates.
-Multi user support.
-Export Asset data in CSV format.
-Approximate asset life cycle, record data for lifecycle planning, including a number of filters for
environmental conditions, age and duty cycle. From the data collected the app is able to
calculate the remaining life for each asset.
While downloading the app is free, please note that access is only available to clients of Bronron Apps. If you would like to request access, please contact Bronron Apps by visiting our website www.facilityinsight.com or www.bronron.com